Our Work -

H.U.M.A.N. - How to Use My Anxiety Now: A program for the general population to follow and change reactions to stress by re- engaging with stress symptoms and behaviors.

Prepare for Stress-  A comprehensive system for both patients and medical professionals to evaluate chronic stress as a compounding factor in illnesses such as gastrointestinal, muscle pain, sleeplessness, asthma,cancer, diabetes and others.

All Programs include the Basic Adaptive Behavioral Health Method:

  1. The physical changes in the body during stressful and anxious events.
  2. Identification of individual behaviors that correlate with a number on a ‘stress scale’ to increase self-awareness and provide tools to monitor stress levels.
  3. The developmental search for cause and effect of unresolved chronic stress.
  4. Training in the ABH interruption technique and social emotional tools to manage individual stress reactions.

    Past programs: My Anxiety Notebook for Adults- Groups for teachers, social workers to learn the development of physical, social and emotional stress responses and adaptive behavioral tools. 

    My Anxiety Notebook for Teens- A school program for groups or classes to learn the development of physical, social and emotional stress responses and adaptive behavioral tools.  
